Transit Sun in your 3rd house is getting you engaged in your daily activities and interactions. Now’s a great time to take a look at how you communicate with friends, neighbors, and coworkers, the people you see all the time. Often, small habits can undermine our effectiveness, so clear communication should really be a focus. With this energy, make sure to listen too though! Don’t just talk talk talk, take some time to hear what others have to say.
This period also seems to be bringing more busyness and restless feelings. Something like taking a class on a new subject could be really fun. You’ll definitely feel an urge to learn something new – it could be a new language, a new skill, or getting all the new gossip about your neighbors!
Short trips may appeal, too, but really integrating travel into your routine may work better than using it to get away fully. Vacations are great, but sticking to your regular patterns is probably better here. You may find yourself going places more and wanting to try new things. You’ll likely be traveling a lot short distances or spending a lot of time on the bus or in a car.
Most importantly, now is a perfect time to clearly share how you truly feel about certain topics. If others seem confused about what you’re up to in an area, speak up! Don’t leave people in the dark. Your thoughts seem quite clear now, so use that to get your message across. If you lack clarity yourself, take some time to figure things out and then share up.
Communicating is really what works during this transit for you since the third house deals with communication, learning, short-distance travel, siblings, and neighbors.
What To Do & Avoid
This transit can signify an important period of growth and development in how you speak, write and share your thoughts with others.
This is a great time to speak up more and use your voice. If there is someone you have feelings for, consider expressing how you feel to them. Your words will likely come out more clearly and confidently now.
However, be mindful that the same communication skills can be used for negative purposes as well. Try to avoid arguments, gossip or saying things you’ll later regret. During this transit, your words carry extra weight and influence, so choose them wisely.
Focus your communication on spreading positivity and sharing your ideas. Reach out to friends and family with a phone call or message. Write down your thoughts in a journal. But above all, remember to communicate with compassion, honesty and wisdom. This can be an important period for deepening connections in your life, if you channel the positive energy of this transit constructively.
This transit only happens once a year, so make sure to take advantage of it.